Know and follow Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and KCHJ rules and regulations.
Maintain the KCHJ NON-SMOKING policy.
Be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel.
Follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor, including following the instructions of your nurses and other health care providers.
Help maintain hospital properties from destruction.
Pay all your financial obligations associated with your care, admission, or any other services.
Complete all forms requested by the hospital when having an operation, or procedure.
Signing the leaving “Against Medical Advice” form if you insist on leaving against medical advice.
Make all necessary precautions not to infect others in case you were told that you have a contagious disease, and you should inform your spouse/immediate family about the disease.
Provide accurate and complete information concerning your present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to your health.
Report any perceived risks in your care and unexpected changes in your condition to the responsible practitioner.